Radiation Laboratory Seminar

講演者: Takashi SAKO (Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University)
タイトル: LHCf: Very forward measurement at LHC for Ultra-High Energy Cosmic-Ray physics
日時(Y-M-D): 2011-07-21, 13:30-15:00
場所: RIBF棟大会議室
Type: Radiation Laboratory Seminar
アブストラクト: Energy spectrum of cosmic-rays is measured up to 10^20 eV. At such high energy cosmic-rays are observed through extensive air showers and Monte Carlo simulation of air shower is used in the interpretation. However, uncertainty in the hadronic interaction employed in the simulation is a major source of the uncertainty in the determination of cosmic-ray energy and chemical composition. The Large Hadron Collider forward (LHCf) experiment is an experiment at LHC dedicated to calibrate hadronic interaction models used in the cosmic-ray physics. To constrain the models for cosmic-ray air showers, cross sections of the very forward particle emission are indispensable because they carry most of the collision energy. LHCf can measure neutral particles emitted in the pseudorapidity>8.4 at LHC collisions. In this seminar, I will present a brief review of the recent cosmic-ray observations and LHCf, then concentrate on our first results at LHC for the photon spectra. I will also discuss a possible unique measurement of forward particles at RHIC.
reference: hep-ex: arXiv:1104.5294v2