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Internal Home Pages (RIKEN | NishinaCenter | Radlab)
Radiation Laboratory last update,
Welcome to our home page. The Radiation Laboratory is one of the eldest research groups in RIKEN, now belonging to Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science. The major activity of Radiation Laboratory is to perform an experiment using high-energy polarized-proton collisions and heavy-ion collisions at BNL-RHIC in USA, through cooperation with RIKEN-BNL Research Center. We are also performing ion-source developments and novel detector developments. In October 2009, H. En'yo, Chief Scientist of Radiation Laboratory, was concurrently appointed as the director of RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science. A. Taketani is now the leader of Nishina RIBF(Radio Isotope Beam Factory) Detector Team, to which major part of PHENIX detector development work is transferred. Our theoretical activity in QCD was transferred to newly-established Mathematical Physics Laboratory. |
Spin Physics at RHIC |
Heavy Ion Physics at BNL |
How the spin of proton is formed
with 3 quarks and gluons? This is a very fundament question in QCD,
Quantum Chromodynamic. The RHIC Spin Project has been
established to solve this problem by colliding two polarized protons for the
first time in history.
PHENIX collaboration |
Research program is organized in PHENIX Spin Physics Working Group, and analysis of the PHENIX data is performed at CCJ combined with RIKEN super computer cluster.
At RHIC QGP, Quark Gluon Plasma,
should be created by colliding two gold nuclei, through which we can study
the state of early Universe just after the Big Bang.
February 2010, Y. Akiba has
reported, at American Physics Society Meeting, the temperature of QGP created
at RHIC. We have measured thermal radiation from the hot matter and the
temperature was determined to be 400MeV. |
Mesons in Nuclear Matter |
PHENIX Detector Upgrade |
Neutrons, optics and detection |
While RHIC creates nuclear matter with high temperature, study of dense nuclear matter was being performed at KEK-PS, and phi meson modification at normal nuclear density was discovered. To extend our research further we proposed a
new experiment E-16
to be done at J-PARC. The grant-in-aid
budget "New Hadrons" from JSPS was
granted for 4 years to build the detector.
To enhance physics capability of PHENIX even further, PHENIX Detector Upgrade is ongoing. Major activities are in the constrictions of Silicon Micro Vertex Detector and Muon Trigger Upgrade. Both are in operation within this year . |
Collaborating with RIKEN venture
company, JNOP (Japan Neutron OPtics),
we are performing experiments of neutron interference and neutron scattering.
Interference as large as 60% was observed using multilayer neutron mirrors.
Clear separation of neutron paths was firstly achieved. |
Recent Memorial Events |
Y.Fukao received 2010 Young Scientist
Award of Nuclear Physics Forum of Japan with his work in determining the
gluon polarization in proton.
The data which
eliminated most of theoretical models which assume large gluon polarization. |
H. Iinuma, former Junior Research Associate of Radiation Lab., received 2010 Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan. She was also the winner of RHIC & AGS thesis award in 2007.
The gas jet target which determined the absolute value of the proton polarization at RHIC |
R. Muto, former Special Doctral Fellow of
Radiation Lab., received 2008 Young
Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan. H En'yo and S.
Yokkaichi received Significant
Achievement Award in RIKEN, March 2008. The signal of the phi-meson mass modification in nuclear matter. Click above to get a preprint |
T. D. Lee, Director emeritus of
RIKEN BNL Research Center has awarded for The Order of the Rising Sun,
Gold and Silver Star (旭日重光章), Jan. 2007. |
Members (April 2010)
bold names are recent additions
Old member
Old member
Old member
Old member
Old member
Old member
Old member
People Left from Radiation Lab.
Radiation Laboratory
RIKEN-BNL Research Center Directors
Theory ( Japanese member)
in Japanese)