The location of the source in B2F of the RIBF.
Reference date for standard sources: 1990/07/01 12:00
Setting date:2024/4/30 02:17. 12356 days have passed.

Source no. Nuclide Half life Intensity (Bq) Current intensity (Bq) Intensity at setting date (Bq) Uncertainty (%)
CD392 133Ba 10.52 y 3.61x105 38795.7 38795.7 4
CD393 137Cs 30.08 y 3.48x105 159508.4 159508.4 3
CD394 57Co 271.7 d 3.33x105 0.0 0.0 5
CD395 60Co 5.27 y 3.38x105 3941.5 3941.5 3
CD396 54Mn 312.1 d 3.01x105 0.0 0.0 5
CD397 22Na 2.60 y 3.17x105 38.1 38.1 3
CD398 88Y 106.6 d 3.51x105 0.0 0.0 5
CD399 203Hg 46.6 d 7.39x105 0.0 0.0 5

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