EFES-LIA workshop on the Nuclear Energy Density Functional Method

Dates: 26(Fri.) and 27(Sat.) February, 2010

Meeting site: RIKEN RIBF Building 2F Conference Room

Access to the meeting site

RIKEN Wako campus
Nishina Center RIBF Building is No. 45 on the campus map.


Feb. 26 (Friday)
10:30   "Activities in Saclay-Bordeaux-GANIL-Lyon-Bruxelles"
        M. Bender

        "Activities in Orsay" 
        J. Margueron

        "Activities in Aizu-Tohoku"
        H. Sagawa

        "Activities in Niigata-RIKEN"
        M. Matsuo

        "Activities in RIKEN-Tsukuba"
        T. Nakatsukasa 


13:30   "Progress towards non-empirical nuclear energy density functionals"
        T. Duguet

14:00   "Pair correlations and pair transfers in neutron-rich nuclei"
        M. Matsuo

14:30   "Towards pairing vibrations with particle number restoration through generator coordinate method calculations"
        B. Avez


15:30   "Pairing from Density Matrix Functional theory for nuclei"
        D. Lacroix

16:00   "Toward realistic nuclear mean fields"
        H. Nakada

16:30   "The effect of tensor correlations on spin and spin-isospin mode"
        H. Sagawa

19:00   Workshop Dinner
Feb. 27 (Saturday)
 9:00   "Correction for spurious contributions to the Multi-Reference Energy Density Functional"
        M. Bender 

 9:30   "Triaxial deformation of Cr isotopes studied by AMD-HFB model"
        M. Kimura

10:00   "Breaking and restoring symmetries within the nuclear energy density functional method"
        J. Sadoudi


11:00   "Time Dependent approaches beyond mean field"
        D. Lacroix

11:30   "Intermediate amplitude collective motion in 52Ti with TDHFB"
        Y. Hashimoto

12:00   "Nuclear energy functional with a surface peaked effective mass"
        J. Margueron


Short presentations and discussion

       P. Avogadro
       S. Ebata
       K. Sato

T. Duguet, N. Itagaki, T. Nakatsukasa, T. Otsuka, K. Yoshida
