Nuclear Physics PAC Meeting

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25The 25th Program Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting for Nuclear-Physics Experiments at RI Beam Factory

The 25th Program Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics experiments at RI Beam Factory will be held as follows. The presentations at the meeting are open to the public.

Date: December 11-13,2024
Place :  RIBF2F Meeting Room

Call for Proposals

1. Call for Proposals (PDF (275kb))

Issuance of the Call for Proposal: August 29, 2024
Deadline of proposal submission: October 4, 2024


2. Cover sheet (MS-Word (126kb), PDF (210kb))
3. GDPR consent form (MS-Word (20kb), PDF (102kb))


4. Technical Information

- Primary-beam list
- LISE++ input file for BigRIPS and secondary-beam cross sections


NP-PAC members

Name Institute
J. Dilling (chair)  Oak Ridge National Laboratory
M. Asai JAEA
P. Butler University of Liverpool
M. Dasgupta  The Australian National University
M. Gorska  GSI Darmstadt
S. Grevy  Centre d'Etudes Nuclテゥaires de Bordeaux Gradignan
E. Hiyama RIKEN
T. Kawabata  Osaka University
M. Lewitowicz GANIL
W. Liu SUS Tech
M. Matsuo  Niigata University
A. Moro Universidad de Sevilla
T. Papenbrock University of Tennessee/Oak Ridge National Laboratory
G. Rogachev Texas A&M University
K. Wimmer GSI
R. Zegers  Michigan State University



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