About The Nishina Center
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About The Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science


The Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science consists of the following four divisions: the Nuclear Science and Transmutation Research Division, the Research Facility Development Division, the Accelerator Applications Research Division, and the Subnuclear System Research Division.

The Nuclear Science and Transmutation Research Division conducts basic research on nuclear atomic
nucleus, the fundamental properties of the universe and nuclear transmutation.
The Research Facility Development Division conducts various research and development using the heavy ion accelerator at RIBF. The Accelerator Applications Research Division conducts applied research using the accelerator and experimental facility at RIBF. The Subnuclear System Research Division carries out experimental research on elementary particles, atomic nucleus, and condensed matter using particle beams of protons, neutrons, and muons, explores the fundamental laws of physics, and conducts theoretical research at the RIKEN BNL Research Center(USA) and the RIKEN Facility Office at RAL (UK).