The location of the source in B2F of the RIBF.
Reference date for standard sources: 2010/03/16 12:00
Setting date:2024/4/27 04:07. 5155 days have passed.

Source no. Nuclide Half life Intensity (Bq) Current intensity (Bq) Intensity at setting date (Bq) Uncertainty (%)
09-7007 22Na 2.60 y 1.04x105 2409.8 2409.8 1.6
09-7008 60Co 5.27 y 8.81x104 13744.5 13744.5 1.6
09-7009 88Y 106.6 d 8.00x105 0.0 0.0 1.9
09-7010 137Cs 30.08 y 8.23x103 5943.5 5943.5 1.9
09-7011 152Eu 13.542 y 1.06x104 5153.9 5153.9 1.9

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