English Press Releases

2019/10/30 Scientists confirm a new “magic number” for neutrons

2019/5/2 Nuclear “magic numbers” collapse beyond the doubly magic Nickel 78

2019/4/12 Baffled physicists label gamma-ray measurements of super-heavy magnesium “a mystery”

2017/06/23 Neutron-rich nucleus shapeshifts between a rugby ball and a discus

2017/05/19 In a neutron-rich tin nucleus, electromagnetism can win over the strong force

2015/09/18 Finding new magic

2014/01/14 Nuclear islands of deformation

2013/11/20 ‘Magic numbers’ disappear and expand area of nuclear deformation

2013/10/10 Evidence for a new nuclear ‘magic number’

2013/04/12 Silicon’s double magic

2009/07/15 Strongest beam in the world enables scientists to explore laws governing all matter in the universe

Japanese Press Releases

2021/05/19 荷電対称性の破れを発見

2020/08/21 フッ素-29が「2中性子ハロー原子核」であることを発見

2019/10/18 新魔法数34の新たな証拠

2019/05/02 魔法数研究に金字塔

2019/02/28 マグネシウム-40原子核のガンマ線分光に成功

2017/06/14 二つの形が共存している原子核の発見

2017/05/19 ガンマ線を放出する非束縛状態の発見

2017/02/21 ジルコニウム-110原子核の形と魔法数

2015/11/04 重いクロム・鉄同位体に広がる変形領域

2013/11/20 消える「魔法数」28

2013/10/10 重いカルシウムで新しい「魔法数」34を発見

2009/07/15 32Ne(ネオン‐32)の大変形観測に世界で初めて成功

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Dec. 2020 Photograph of HiCARI on Cover of RIKEN News No. 474

Mar. 2020 Doubly Magic 54Ca on the RIKEN Channel

Apr. 2019 Baffled physicists label gamma-ray measurements of super-heavy magnesium “a mystery”, RIKEN Research Highlight

Apr. 2019 Neutron-rich magnesium undergoes unexpected transitions. Physics Today, Volume 72, Issue 4 (2019).