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Automated Operation Technology Team

Photo of the leader
Laboratory Head
Nobuhisa HUKUNISHID.Sci.
  • 1985年東京工業大学理学部卒業
  • 1988年同大学院理学研究科物理学専攻中退
  • 1989年理化学研究所リニアック研究室研究員補
  • 1991年東京工業大学より博士号取得
  • 1992年理化学研究所リニアック研究室研究員
  • 1999年理化学研究所RIビーム科学研究室先任研究員
  • 2010年理化学研究所RIビーム分離生成装置チーム チームリーダー

Research Areas

Accelerator and large experimental equipment systems are usually designed and constructed to realize their highest-performance operations daily by measuring sufficient data and utilizing classical optimization methods based on physics. However, errors in data measured, huge dimensions of the parameter space to be optimized, and so on require skillful researchers/operators and in some cases result in insufficient optimization. Automated Operation Technology Team plans to develop automated operations of these large experimental systems by introducing recent AI technology such as machine learning to realize more effective operations and performance upgrades of these large systems.

Research Subject