- RI物理研究部
- 核反応研究部
- 少数多体系物理研究室
- 宇宙放射線研究室
- 雪氷宇宙科学研究室
- 核子多体論研究室
- RHIC物理研究室
- 三体核力研究室
- 中間子理研ECL研究チーム
- イオン育種研究開発室
- 1999年Kanazawa University, Assistant Professor
- 2003年Brookhaven National Laboratory, RBRC Fellow of RIKEN BNL Research Center (Joint Fellowship under the KANAZAWA-RIKEN-BNL)
- 2008年Brookhaven National Laboratory, Assistant Scientist and RIKEN fellow of RIKEN-BNL Research Center
- 2010年Brookhaven National Laboratory, Associate Scientist
- 2011年Brookhaven National Laboratory, Computing Group Leader of RIKEN BNL Research Center
- T. Blum, N. Christ, M. Hayakawa, T. Izubuchi, L. Jin, C. Jung and C. Lehner.:
"Connected and leading disconnected hadronic light-by-light contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment with phys- ical pion mass"
Physical Review Letteters Volume 118, Article 022005, (2017)
- T. Blum, P. A. Boyle, T. Izubuchi, L. Jin, A. Jüttner, C. Lehner, K. Maltman, M. Marinkovic, A. Portelli, and M. Spraggs (RBC and UKQCD Collaborations).:
"Calculation of the Hadronic Vacuum Polarization Disconnected Contribution to the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment"
Physical Review Letters Volume 116, Article 232002, (2016)
- Z.Bai,T.Blum,P.A.Boyle,N.H.Christ,J.Frison,N.Garron,T.Izubuchi,C.Jung,C.Kelly,C.Lehner, R. D. Mawhinney, C. T. Sachrajda, A. Soni, and D. Zhang (RBC and UKQCD Collaborations).:
"Standard Model Prediction for Direct CP Violation in K → ππ Decay"
Physical Review Letters Volume 115, Article 212001 (2015) [ Editors' suggestion ]
- Michael G. Endres, Andrea Shindler, Brian C. Tiburzi, Andre Walker-Loud.:
"Massive photons: an infrared regularization scheme for lattice QCD + QED"
Physical Review Letters, Volume 117
- T. DeGrand, M. Golterman, W. I. Jay, E. T. Neil, Y. Shamir and B. Svetitsky.:
"Radiative contribution to the effective potential in composite Higgs models from lattice gauge theory"
Phys. Rev. D94:5, 054501 (2016)
- Thomas Blum, Saumitra Chowdhury, Masashi Hayakawa, Taku Izubuchi.:
"Hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment from lattice QCD"
Phys.Rev.Lett. 114 (2015) 1, 012001, arXiv:1407.2923.
- Thomas Blum, Taku Izubuchi, Eigo Shintani.:
"A new class of variance reduction techniques using lattice symmetries"
Phys.Rev.D88 (2013) 094503 (6 pages)
- Tomomi Ishikawa, Thomas Blum, Masashi Hayakawa, Taku Izubuchi, Chulwoo Jung, Ran Zhou.:
"Full QED+QCD Low-Energy Constants through Reweighting"
Phys.Rev.Lett. 109 (2012) 072002 (5 pages).
- S. Meinel.:
"Λc → Λl+νl form factors and decay rates from lattice QCD with physical quark masses"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, no. 8, 082001 (2017)
- Yasumichi Aoki, Taku Izubuchi, Eigo Shintani, Amarjit Soni.:
"Improved lattice computation of proton decay matrix elements"
出渕 卓Taku IZUBUCHID.Sci.
当グループでは1997年よりカイラル対称性と呼ばれる自然界を理解する上で重要な対称性を良く保った格子QCDのカイラルクォーク(ドメイン・ウォール・フェルミオン)を開拓し、小林益川理論の検証のために重要なCP非保存に関する物理量やミュー粒子の異常磁気能率へのハドロン寄与など様々なハドロン物理を研究しています。2004年度にQCDの計算のためにQCDOCと呼ばれる10Tflopsの並列式スーパーコンピューターを開発し、2012年度には第3世代のQCD専用計算機、QCDCQ(200Tflops (peak) /rack)の設置・運用を開始しています。